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Retired? Retiring? Seven Tips to Help You Stay Financially Healthy

Retired Couple Financially Healthy

It’s here. After all those years of hard work — through medical school, internship, residency, and practice — it’s finally time to take it easy. You’ve been planning for this, saving, investing, always looking forward to the time when your time would truly be your own.

At AMA Insurance, we’re here to help you enjoy your retirement years, protected from the financial setbacks that can result from illness, accidents, or property damage.

Throughout the years, you have undoubtedly built up an insurance portfolio. Like your life, it has changed, as your needs changed. That won’t stop just because you’re retired. In fact, now that you’re depending on investments and savings for income, it’s more important than ever to make sure your insurance portfolio is doing its job of protecting you. Here are 7 tips to help you

Tip #1: Bridge the gaps between Medicare and medical bills.

As a physician, you know that Medicare alone will cover only part of the bills when you need medical attention. The uncovered costs could have a significant impact on your financial plans.

A Medicare Supplement or Medigap policy can help bridge the gap, and it will be accepted by any physician, hospital, or other health care provider who accepts Medicare.

There are a range of Medicare Supplement plans available, offering a variety of coverage options. Choose the plan that works best for your needs.

Tip #2 Do an insurance review at least once a year.

You know the value of regular health checkups. Your insurance portfolio also benefits from a regular review. Plan an insurance checkup once a year or whenever there are significant changes to your life or holdings.

Tip #3 Be sure you are covered for prescription drugs.

Neither Basic Medicare nor a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) policy cover prescription drugs, so you also need Medicare Part D. Again, there are several options, with varying costs and coverage amounts. Take time to review your options to help you determine the best plan for you. You should review your prescription drug coverage annually during Open Enrollment, Oct. 15 – Dec. 7.

Tip # 4 Don’t forget dental insurance.

This is relatively inexpensive protection for your oral health. You can choose to cover just you, or you and eligible family members. Dental insurance can be an important part of your overall strategy to maintain good physical and financial health.

Tip #5 Sync your home insurance with today’s value.

Housing prices have skyrocketed over the past few years. If a storm or fire destroyed your home, would you have to accept less than its replacement value? You might, if you have not increased your home insurance to cover the appreciated value! If you have a second home, review its coverage, too.

Tip #6 Take steps to keep your car insurance cost down.

Take advantage of discounts. Bundling your home and car insurance is one way to save on both.

Tip #7 Consult the specialists.

AMA Insurance specializes in meeting the insurance needs of physicians and their families.

You’re invited to take advantage of AMAI’s 30 years of experience, its access to highly rated insurance underwriters, and the buying power of a million physicians. If you are looking for professionals knowledgeable of the unique insurance needs of physicians, an Insurance Specialist will be happy to work with you. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. The toll-free phone number is 1-888-627-5902 (Office hours Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time) Or you can email team@amainsure.com.

But that’s not all—through the Physicians’ Financial Partners program, we can connect you with thoroughly vetted independent investment managers throughout the country to help you manage your assets and maintain your retirement income.